/// dicht
Stroomsnelheid (max.)
Totale stroominvoer
Dispergeertype Date bestand Tekening
EPB 200 with colloid mill MK 2000/04 200 8 Colloid mill MK 2000/04 Datasheet Tekening
EPB 2500 with colloid mill MK 2000/05 2500 18 Colloid mill MK 2000/05 Datasheet
EPB 7500 with colloid mill MK 2000/10 7500 30 Colloid mill MK 2000/10 Datasheet
EPB 15000 with colloid mill MK 2000/20 15000 55 Colloid mill MK 2000/20 Datasheet
EPB 40000 with colloid mill MK 2000/30 40000 95 Colloid mill MK 2000/30 Datasheet
EPB 60000 with colloid mill MK 2000/50 60000 150 Colloid mill MK 2000/50 Datasheet
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